1 Picasso for 100 Euros

"1 Picasso for 100 Euros"

is an international online tombola organized by the International Association to Save Tyre (IAST) with the support of Sotheby’s in order to raise funds to support Tyre, the Lebanese city listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

You could win an authenticated  Pablo Picasso
L’Homme au Gibus! (Man with Opera Hat)

The tombola tickets are sold at 100 Euros per unit*. To participate, click on Buy a Ticket.

The funds raised will allow
the International Association to Save Tyre to realize two of their projects.
By buying a ticket, you will be contributing to the protection of a World Heritage Site, while trying your luck at owning a masterpiece!

To track the operation, find us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

A chance to win
a MASTERpiece!
A powerful gesture towards a better future!

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