Fortunately, I didn’t report to that a**hole

December 20th, 2019 View in browser
Muck Rack Daily

We bring you the gift of not one, but two blog posts to learn from today! 

The first is a Case study from Memo by Allison Horton, in which she asks: So you've measured your PR. Now what? Of course, putting some numbers around the results of a press cycle is key for reporting into data-driven stakeholders like marketing teams and executives. But it’s what comes after that creates better campaigns, unlocks budget, and wins new business.

Continuing on our measurement and reporting streak, Emma Haddad shares Leveraging the PESO model (Plus, some essential tips for end of year PR reporting). Annual reporting is crucial for measuring your success as an individual, team, and company. Plus, your leadership is probably going to look pretty closely at it when they start assessing the bottom line. So let's help you get started! 


Honestly, my mouth dropped open

Mark Galli, the editor-in-chief at Christianity Today, published an op-ed that Trump Should Be Removed from Office.

“This president has dumbed down the idea of morality in his administration.… His Twitter feed alone—with its habitual string of mischaracterizations, lies, and slanders—is a near-perfect example of a human being who is morally lost and confused,” Ron Hogan quoted from the piece.

For context, the evangelical magazine also called for Bill Clinton’s removal following his impeachment back in 1998. Alan Noble is “very thankful for @CTmagazine for saying this. Evangelical institutions were not afraid to publicly condemn Bill Clinton's presidency. We should be able to make clear statements today as well.” 

“Honestly, my mouth dropped open when this hit the internet: Christianity Today, an influential evangelical magazine, says President Trump should be ‘removed from office,’” the Washington Post’s Sarah Pulliam Bailey admitted. To get to the bottom of it, she spoke with Galli and Christianity Today president Timothy Dalrymple. Here’s the backstory.

Meanwhile, the New York Times spoke to Franklin Graham to get his opinion on the news that Christianity Today called for Trump’s removal. The son of prominent evangelical Christian figure Billy Graham told Elizabeth Dias, "My father would be embarrassed...There’s a liberal element within the evangelical movement. Christianity Today represents that.” This led Neil Young to determine that, “Franklin Graham has no shame.” 

And The Atlantic’s Emma Green also had this conversation with Galli “about why he made this choice” to call for Trump to be removed from office.

‘Putin told me’

Queens man impeached — that’s the headline the Queens Daily Eagle went with when Victoria Merlin reported on the impeachment vote. “🚨HUGE LOCAL NEWS🚨” David Brand tweeted. 

Over at the Washington Post, former White House officials say they feared Russia’s President Putin influenced Trump’s views on Ukraine and the 2016 campaign, according to  Shane Harris, Josh Dawsey, and Carol Leonnig. “One former senior White House official said Trump even stated so explicitly at one point, saying he knew Ukraine was the real culprit because ‘Putin told me,’” Andrew deGrandpre tweeted. 

Trump’s Impeachment Delay Could Be a Serious Problem for Democrats, according to Bloomberg News’ Noah Feldman. “Trump isn't impeached til House transmits to Senate, per a Harvard Law professor who was a witness for House Democrats. ‘If the articles are not transmitted, Trump could legitimately say that he wasn’t truly impeached at all,’” Jennifer Jacobs tweeted.

We’re all being tracked all the time 

Following up on their massive project Twelve Million Phones, One Dataset, Zero Privacy, Stuart A. Thompson and Charlie Warzel also published How to Track President Trump in the New York Times, which explores the national security risks in phone tracking. “We examined @realDonaldTrump's private club, Mar-a-Lago. Does the data put him and his entourage at risk too? Yes. It took minutes to find an apparent Secret Service agent detailed to Trump,” Thompson explained. “We’re all being tracked all the time,” Mark Shenton concluded after reading this “chastening story.”

Since we’re talking about the dangers of technology, let’s turn our attention to a federal study that confirmed the racial bias of many facial-recognition systems, casting doubt on their expanding use. Drew Harwell wrote about it for the Washington Post. “Whoa: A huge federal study of facial recognition tech finds Asian and African American people were up to 100x more likely to be misidentified than white men,” Geoffrey Fowler tweeted. 

‘Clearly doesn’t know medicine and anatomy’

Kentucky’s ex-governor Matt Bevin pardoned a child rapist because the 9-year-old victim’s hymen was intact, Antonia Noori Farzan reported at the Washington Post. 

Bevin defended his pardon of the convicted child rapist in a radio interview, which Alfred Miller and Joe Sonka wrote about in the Louisville Courier-Journal. “I talked to former KY medical chief & child abuse expert Dr. George Nichols: ‘Bevin clearly doesn’t know medicine and anatomy. I worked for six consecutive governors as the chief medical examiner, and fortunately, I didn’t have to report to that asshole.’” Sonka tweeted. 

Moving on to another politician who’s in hot water at the moment, Washington Rep. Matt Shea engaged in domestic terrorism against the U.S., according to a state House inquiry. David Gutman, Joseph O’Sullivan reported on the findings for the Seattle Times. “The report found that beginning in November 2015, Shea, working with militia leader Ammon Bundy, helped ‘in the planning and preparation’ of the Malheur takeover, a six-week conflict in which dozens of armed protesters occupied the wildlife refuge in rural Oregon,” their article said. 

Over in the UK 

MPs backed Prime Minister Boris Johnson's Brexit bill, per the BBC. The vote was 358 to 234 to leave the EU on January 31, 2020. 

Also from the BBC, news that Prince Philip was taken to a London hospital as a "precautionary measure" and very specifically not by ambulance. The palace called it "observation and treatment in relation to a pre-existing condition on the advice of Prince Philip's doctor." No other news was provided at the time of publication. 

Elsewhere in the world

In other bizarre news, the BBC reported that the U.S. government listed the fictional nation Wakanda as a trade partner. “A USDA spokesperson said the Kingdom of Wakanda was added to the list by accident during a staff test.” 

Telegraph India’s Alamgir Hossain reported that a stone gang in fake skullcaps are being held by Murshidabad police. But the BJP worker and five associates insist they were no involved in throwing stones at a train engine. 

A top Indian official abruptly canceled meeting with U.S. congressional leaders over Kashmir criticisms, according to John Hudson at the Washington Post. 

The Guardian revealed exclusive documents showing that Canada’s police were prepared to shoot Indigenous activists who were blockading construction of a natural gas pipeline in northern British Columbia. Jaskiran Dhillon and Will Parrish reported on the story. “to defend a gas pipeline that will accelerate #climatecrisis??? has #canada gone mad?” Glyn Moody wondered aloud. 

The Australian government is soliciting support for the families of the two volunteer firefighters who were tragically killed while on duty at the Green Wattle Creek fire. They’ve created this dedicated bank account where you can donate.

One more thing

Drew Magary published The 2019 Hater’s Guide to the Williams-Sonoma Catalog in Vice, leading Tim Marchman to announce:

“The holidays have finally arrived.” 


Question of the Day

Yesterday, we asked: In 1981 and then again in 1983, the Dayton Daily News inadvertently switched the captions between which two comic strips?

Answer: The Far Side and Dennis the Menace, and the result was...not bad! In “The Prehistory of the Far Side,” Gary Larson said, “What’s most embarrassing about this is how immensely improved both cartoons turned out to be.”  

Jude Isabella was the first person to tweet the correct answer. Congratulations! 

Your question of the day for today…In 1881, political cartoonist Thomas Nast drew a picture of Santa Claus that’s credited with defining what the modern Santa looks like today. Which publication ran the influential illustration?

As always, click here to tweet your answer to @MuckRack. We’ll announce the winners Monday!

Don’t forget - if you change your job in journalism or move to a different news organization, be sure to email us (hello [at] muckrack [dot] com) so we can reflect your new title. News job changes only, please! Thanks!

Today's Muck Rack Daily was produced by Marla Lepore.

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