Nothing unethical here, I’m sure

December 11th, 2019 View in browser
Muck Rack Daily

Here at Muck Rack, we’re big fans of not only following what journalists are talking about on Twitter, but also what they’re sharing. With that in mind, Emma Haddad put together a list of the top publications and articles for November, according to the journalists in our database over on the blog. 


The kids will save us yet

It’s that time again - to see who TIME Magazine shouted out this year. So without further ado, let’s dive in. 

Greta Thunberg Is TIME’s 2019 Person of the Year

The magazine’s editor-in-chief Edward Felsenthal explained why: “For sounding the alarm about humanity’s predatory relationship with the only home we have ... for showing us all what it might look like when a new generation leads.”  

NBC News also reported that teen climate activist Greta Thunberg is Time's 2019 Person of the Year, via Safia Samee Ali

CNN’s Kerry Flynn also wrote about the Time Person of the Year being Climate crisis activist Greta Thunberg. “A 16 year-old-girl with Asperger's syndrome, who has been mocked and called names by world leaders is Time magazine's Person of the Year. The kids will save us yet,” Kiran Manral tweeted. 

Moving down the list, Lizzo Is TIME's 2019 Entertainer of the Year — not just for the music she makes, but for what she represents. 

The Public Servants Are TIME's 2019 Guardians of the Year because they “summoned their courage to report concerns about President Trump's handling of Ukraine.”

The U.S. Women's Soccer Team, “who used their athletic platform to push for social progress,” Is TIME's 2019 Athlete of the Year

Disney CEO Bob Iger is TIME's Businessperson of the Year 2019 after he “transformed Disney into a giant business while ensuring its products remain beloved.” “Iger’s tenure as the leader of the world’s most lucrative dream factory has been one long CEO highlight reel. But 2019 was an apex year, when many of his carefully incubated eggs hatched,” Frank Pallotta shared from the write-up. 

Absolutely horrifying

Covering the Jersey City shooting for the New York Times, Michael Gold reported that a Kosher Market Was Targeted, according to Mayor Steven Fulop. Six people were killed, including a police officer. Alex Kane called it “absolutely horrifying.” 

Meanwhile, President Trump is expected to sign an Order Targeting Anti-Semitism on College Campuses, Peter Baker and Maggie Haberman reported at the Times

Election 2020

Ryan Lizza got the scoop at Politico that Joe Biden signaled to his aides that he would serve only a single term. “It is virtually inconceivable that he would run for re-election in 2024, when he would be the first octogenarian president, according to four people who regularly talk to Biden,” Carrie Budoff Brown tweeted. Peter Schorsch wondered, “Is this a threat or a promise?” Michael Kruse shared this quote from the piece: “You can’t let the cat out of the bag. Go back to that old Jimmy Breslin essay on power—you know it's a lot of smoke and mirrors. If you begin your first day as president as a lame duck, it changes everything.”

Mike Bloomberg will donate $10 million to House Democrats who are targeted by the GOP, Michael Scherer reported at the Washington Post. Bloomberg hopes the money will “defend vulnerable Democratic House members against paid Republican impeachment attacks,” Sherer tweeted. 

Very real and not at all satirical

Donald Trump paid the $2 million in damages ordered by a judge over misuse of charity funds, according to NY’s attorney general. David Fahrenthold wrote that story for the Washington Post

Donald Trump Jr. Went to Mongolia, Got Special Treatment From the Government and Killed an Endangered Sheep is a very real and not at all satirical headline to a piece Jake Pearson and Anand Tumurtogoo wrote at ProPublica. “Nothing unethical here, I’m sure. Don Jr: -Goes on a trophy hunt in Mongolia -Meets with Mongolia’s president -Gets a rare hunting permit issued retroactively,” Ian MacDougall laid out. 

Cory Turner at NPR revealed that Betsy DeVos Overruled the Education Department’s Findings On Defrauded Students. “200,000+ students who say they were defrauded by for-profit colleges have been waiting... For Ed Dept. to decide: Should their debts be completely erased? Ed Sec. Betsy DeVos says No. Internal Dept. memos show why staff clearly said Yes,” Turner explained on Twitter. 

The (almost) impossible dream

Boris Johnson hid in a fridge to avoid questions and one of his aides swore at a GMB reporter, Talia Shadwell wrote in The Mirror UK

Heather Stewart and Aamna Mohdin at The Guardian also reported on that Boris-Johnson-'hides-in-fridge' story, adding that it was to avoid a Piers Morgan interview. "When Swain first approached Johnson, he asked: ‘Morning prime minister, would you come on Good Morning Britain prime minister?’ Johnson’s aide can be heard mouthing ‘oh for fuck’s sake’ in response," Andy Price quoted from the story.

Elsewhere in the UK, the Bristol Post’s editor Mike Norton published Why Bristol mayor Marvin Rees' jokes are no laughing matter. "When Mr. Rees and his cronies ridiculed Adam, they were ridiculing all of us and our right to scrutinize council business," Amanda Cameron tweeted from Norton’s op-ed. 

And in Rafael Behr’s latest piece for The Guardian, he wrote what Jonathan Freedland called a “powerful, heartfelt piece”: No Brexit, no Johnson, no Corbyn. Is that too much to ask? Rob McKinlay called it “the (almost) impossible dream…” 

A few more important stories

The Committee to Protect Journalists revealed China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt as the world's worst jailers of journalists. “98% of journalists jailed worldwide are locals covering their own country. Politics was the beat most likely to land journalists in jail, followed by human rights and corruption,”  Timothy McDonald said. 

Free Shipping Isn’t Really Free and Amanda Mull explained why in The Atlantic. “Retailers have long known that offering ‘free shipping’ is one of the most effective manipulations in their arsenals. I investigated why we care about saving that $5 so much more than any other kind of discount, and how it’s choking the internet to death,” she said. 

Emily Flitter at the New York Times had a look at What Racism Looks Like in the Banking Industry. Yonette Joseph explained that “a JPMorgan employee and a customer secretly recorded their conversations with bank employees. It's as ugly as you think.” Moisés Naím suggested you “listen to the audio clips in this article. Looking forward to ⁦reading ⁦@jpmorgan⁩ apologies and explanations.” 

Covering the Boeing investigation, Andy Pasztor and Andrew Tangel at the Wall Street Journal exclusively revealed that an Internal FAA Review Saw High Risk of 737 MAX Crashes. “The FAA allowed the 737 MAX to fly last fall even as its analysis indicated the airliner could become one of the most accident-prone jets in decades without design changes,” Spencer Jakab added. 

Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian got a scoop in Axios that China tried to get the World Bank to fund surveillance in Xinjiang. “In 2017, World Bank-funded schools there requested tens of thousands of $$$ for facial recognition tech, night-vision cameras, etc.”

We leave you with one more opinion piece from The Guardian, this time written by James Mitchinson who said: My paper reported the story of the boy on a hospital floor. Then online lies took over. Patrick Barkham responded with a suggestion: “Whatever your political persuasion, we all need responsible, fact-checked mainstream media more than ever.”


Question of the Day

Yesterday, we asked: While Dr. Suess, Theodor Seuss Geisel, and his wife, Helen Palmer Geisel, didn’t have any children of their own, they did have an imaginary child that they boasted about and even included in their Christmas cards. What was her name?

Answer: Her name was Chrysanthemum-Pearl.  

Dan Rosenbaum was the first person to tweet the correct answer. Grinch Law answered within the same minute. And Cindi Lash tweeted us to ask: “But did her hair curl? It makes my head whirl!” Congratulations to them all! 

Your question of the day for today… Who said the following: “Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.”

As always, click here to tweet your answer to @MuckRack. We’ll announce the winners tomorrow!

Don’t forget - if you change your job in journalism or move to a different news organization, be sure to email us (hello [at] muckrack [dot] com) so we can reflect your new title. News job changes only, please! Thanks!

Today's Muck Rack Daily was written and produced by Delia Paunescu.

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