Hacker Newsletter #486


Issue #486 // January 10, 2020 // View in your browser


Monitor and manage your dynamic container fleets using Datadog's Container Map to group, filter, and explore your containers. Plus, the Live Container view to investigate the processes of individual containers
//datadog sponsored

Which Emoji Scissors Close?
//github comments

Software Disenchantment
//tonsky comments

The first chosen-prefix collision for SHA-1
//github comments

Rhasspy is an open source, fully offline voice assistant toolkit
//readthedocs comments

Using the hunger I experienced as a kid to teach mine about generosity
//medium comments

Disinformation for hire: how a new breed of PR firms is selling lies online
//buzzfeednews comments

Calculate the day of the week for any date in your head
//rudy comments

Scripting tmux
//arp242 comments

Clear and Present Leadership
//davidtate comments

Pursuing a Business I'll Love
//mtlynch comments

#Ask HN

I've been slacking off at Google for 6 years. How can I stop this?

What Technologies to Learn in 2020?

What niche blogs are worthwhile to follow?

#Show HN

Broot – A new way to see and navigate directory trees //dystroy comments

BusKill: A kill cord for your laptop //michaelaltfield comments

Impossible Pork //impossiblefoods comments

jql – Easier jq Alternative with a Lispy Syntax Written in Go //github comments

Terrastruct – A Diagramming Tool for Systems //terrastruct comments

Ryeboard – The Ultimate Visual Workspace //ryeboard comments

The Wall, a modular microLED display //samsung comments


Beef, a new performance-oriented programming language //github comments

CalVer: Calendar Versioning //calver comments

Why I use R //shotwell comments

Papyrus, a Rust REPL //github comments

Pattern Matching in Ruby 2.7 //speakerdeck comments


Dive into Deep Learning //d2l comments

Doing a database join with CSV files //johndcook comments

Flyte: A Cloud Native Machine Learning and Data Processing Platform //lyft comments


I combined Milligram, Skeleton, and Normalize into a single CSS project //sscaffold-css comments

Neumorphism in User Interfaces //uxdesign comments


Why are some things darker when wet? //aryankashyap comments

How strong is your knot? //mit comments

Loudness War //wikipedia comments

Wanggongchang Explosion //wikipedia comments

The Cornell Note-Taking System //cornell comments


Ask HN: Are books worth it? //ycombinator

The Most Abandoned Books on GoodReads //gwern comments

Asimov's Empire, Asimov's Wall //publicbooks comments

Anna Wiener on her book "Uncanny Valley" //theguardian comments


Precious Plastic Version 4 //youtube comments

Donald Knuth: Algorithms, Complexity, Life, and the Art of Programming //youtube comments

I made my own image sensor and digital camera //youtube comments


Top Paying Tech Companies by SWE Level //google comments

Lessons from six years as a solo consultant //embeddeduse comments

How the Digg team was acquihired //lethain comments

#Startup News

Lime shuts in 12 markets, lays off around 100 //axios comments

Tesla Q4 2019 Vehicle Production and Deliveries //tesla comments

One Medical S-1 //sec comments


How to Exit Vim //github comments

Terrain rendering algorithm in less than 20 lines of code //github comments

The MTA is going after an Etsy artist over a New York subway map it didn't make //vice comments

How Canada's military reacted to seeing Pokemon Go players trespassing //cbc comments

The Best Hike in Every State //outsideonline comments

Datamining Bandersnatch //thecybershadow comments

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