Yawn 2020 is so boring

January 14th, 2020 View in browser
Muck Rack Daily

What lies ahead for brand storytelling, ROI measurement and organic/earned media in the new decade? How can we build public relations campaigns that defy indifference? On the Muck Rack Blog today, former journalist turned PR pro Ashley Nakano tackles some of the big questions about what’s next for the PR industry in 2020.


Here we go again

So, it looks like Russia’s still listening. Nicole Perlroth and Matthew Rosenberg of The New York Times broke the story yesterday that the Russians hacked the Ukrainian gas company at the center of impeachment. “The Russian attacks on Burisma appear to be running parallel to an effort by Russian spies in Ukraine to dig up information in the analog world that could embarrass the Bidens,” they report. As Alan Boyle says, “Here we go again.” Shane Goldmacher agrees: “More than a little bit of shades of 2016 here. “yawn 2020 is so boring,” adds Matthew Garrahan.

Jill Lawrence admits, “I actually gasped when I saw this and read they were likely looking for dirt on Joe Biden. What a tangled web.” Andy Greenberg thinks, “It would be good to see some more evidence of the GRU’s fingerprints on this. But given the political value of Burisma as a hack-and-leak target and Russia’s national pastime of penetrating Ukrainian networks, nothing in the world would make more sense.”

But also, Josh Marshall finds this “Fascinating. This article is proceeding along until the line ‘The Biden campaign sought to cast the Russian effort’ and then heavily into both sides more.” 

Bout to get ugly :/

There’s a Democratic debate tonight, but right now, the Twitterverse is much more interested in what Bernie Sanders told Elizabeth Warren in a private 2018 meeting — that a woman can’t win the presidency (93,000+ shares). That’s according to what sources told CNN’s MJ Lee, and Alex Kane thinks it means one thing: “Bout to get ugly :/” Warren has backed up the account; Sanders has denied it. 

Josh Kraushaar also points to the “Reminder that Bernie has always been ill at ease with the growing identity politics movement within the Dem party. ‘That evening, Sanders expressed frustration at what he saw as a growing focus among Democrats on identity politics…’” Overall, “Holy smokes huge scoop from @mj_lee,” says Liz Goodwin

Over at The Washington PostSean Sullivan tweets, “Two ppl w/knowledge of the conversation at the dinner said that Warren brought up the issue by asking Sanders whether he believed a woman could win. (H/T @mj_lee for breaking this story wide open earlier today before anyone else.)” He links to his reporting with Annie Linskey about the meeting, Sanders-Warren feud takes a turn onto the dangerous turf of gender. Matt Binder’s take: “this latest info from this WaPo piece is how i think the conversation went and is the exact kind of frank discussion you have with a friend in private.”

The hallmark of a Trump lie

State Department officials tell Kylie Atwood of CNN that State Department officials involved in US embassy security were not made aware of imminent threats to four specific US embassies. “Just so we’re clear: The President ordered a guy killed and then made up a story about why,” Jason Kander explains.

For a deeper dive, turn to Philip Rucker, John Hudson, Shane Harris and Josh Dawsey of The Washington Post and their latest, ‘Four embassies’: The anatomy of Trump’s unfounded claim about Iran. Brian Stelter shares a few excerpts from that piece on Twitter: “WaPo: ‘Based on what is known so far, Trump’s statement was at best an unfounded theory and at worst a falsehood... The result is a credibility crisis for an administration that has long struggled to communicate factual information to the public…’” 

As Dennis Romero points out, “The hallmark of a Trump lie, as we saw on day one with the inauguration crowd size claim, is its outlandishness.” And Jennifer Rubin thinks, “the BEST explanation is that he doesn’t comprehend what is being said and grabs onto something, twists it and then exaggerates.”

Meanwhile, Britain, France and Germany formally accused Iran of breaking the 2015 agreement that limited its nuclear program, taking the first step toward reimposing further United Nations sanctions, writes Steven Erlanger of The New York Times. Aaron Miller says this “Move by Europeans will reinforce Trump Administration’s conviction it’s winning and Iran’s that it’s losing. Any serious diplomacy would have to await a win/win opening. Right now, we only got win/lose.”

The climate crisis

In his latest for The Guardian, Damian Carrington writes about a new analysis that shows ocean temperatures have hit a record high as the rate of heating accelerates (64,000+ shares). He explains that oceans are the clearest measure of climate crisis as they absorb 90% of the heat trapped by greenhouse gases.

In a rare rebuke, Rupert Murdoch’s younger son James Murdoch slammed Fox News and News Corp over their climate change denial during Australia’s bushfire crisis. One longtime News Corp executive told Lachlan Cartwright of The Daily Beast that the comments by James and his wife Kathryn are an intentional attack on his father and his older brother Lachlan, who oversees the Fox News Channel. “Trouble in the House of @Succession_HBO,” as Peter Himler puts it.

“So it looks like Larry Fink finally wrote that letter to himself after all,” says Lionel Laurent, who links to the report by Andrew Ross Sorkin of The New York Times, BlackRock C.E.O. Larry Fink: Climate Crisis Will Reshape Finance. In his influential annual letter to chief executives, Fink said his firm would avoid investments in companies that “present a high sustainability-related risk.” Tweets Frank Scandale, “This is where the rubber meets the road on this issue #FollowTheMoney.”

Sickening betrayal

Fair warning from Manchester Evening News journalist Jennifer Williams about this next one, as she says this is “Up there with the most shocking reports I’ve ever covered.” Her new special report reveals that a paedophile grooming gang was left to roam the streets of Manchester — and police knew who they were and exactly what they were doing. At least 57 young girls are thought to have been exploited by the network. “They were hooked on drugs, groomed, raped and emotionally broken — one youngster, aged fifteen, died,” she writes. Darren Thwaites calls it a “Sickening betrayal by police and social services, who effectively turned a blind eye to paedophile gangs they knew were grooming, drugging and raping vulnerable young girls in Manchester.”

Sports news

Ken Rosenthal and Evan Drellich of The Athletic have the exclusive as MLB hands down unprecedented penalties for Astros after sign-stealing investigation. “In the most dramatic ruling of his five-year tenure, baseball commissioner Rob Manfred came down hard on the Astros Monday for illegally stealing signs during their World Series championship season in 2017,” they write. The penalties include one-year suspensions for GM Jeff Luhnow and manager AJ Hinch, losses of 1st and 2nd round draft picks in both 2020 and ’21, a fine of $5 million and the placement of former assistant GM Brandon Taubman on MLB’s ineligible list.

Meanwhile, “This @billplaschke column captures the infuriating nature of this cheating scandal.” Sam Farmer links to Bill Plaschke’s column for the Los Angeles Times, Dodgers definitely were cheated out of 2017 World Series title by Astros’ sign-stealing

At The New York Times, Howard Megdal has the details on a tentative contract agreement between the W.N.B.A. and its players’ union that would sharply increase salaries and provide generous maternal benefits. He tweets, “My latest @NYTSports: a landmark agreement between @WNBA, @TheWNBPA. Hear from @CathyEngelbert and @Nnemkadi30 on the new eight-year deal #WNBA.”  

Show, don’t tell

Michelle Ruiz says this is “For all of the delusional royal correspondents with selective memory loss claiming the press welcomed Meghan and gave her ACRES of positive coverage! Brava @ellievhall.” At BuzzFeed News, Ellie Hall invites us to Compare These 20 Headlines To See How Differently Royal Reporters Treated Kate Middleton And Meghan Markle (271,000+ shares). 

“I knew there was a double standard in media coverage of Kate vs. Meghan, but yeesh, seeing all the headlines side by side,” tweets Emma Gray. As Stacy-Marie Ishmael reminds us, “Show, don’t tell. This is a good example of what that can mean.” Adds Albert Samaha, “This, by @ellievhall, is one of the most damning & revealing works of journalism I’ve ever seen.”

A few more


Question of the Day

Yesterday we asked: Meghan Markle has been offered an “open invite” to join what reality TV show?

Answer: Real Housewives of Beverly Hills executive producer Andy Cohen commented on the official Sussex Royal Instagram page that she has an open invite to join the show. The Bravo TV social media team even offered her a tagline: “Beverly Hills is full of diamonds, but I’m the crown jewel.”

Congrats to...Craig Pittman, who tweeted the correct answer just one minute ahead of Joshua Milne.

Your question of the day for today is…In a first, the bed frames in the Athletes Village at the Olympics in Tokyo this year will be made of what material?

As always, click here to tweet your answer to @MuckRack.


Featured Journalist: Keri Mitchell

Today’s featured journalist is Keri Mitchell, Editor at Large of The Advocate Magazine and a community journalist in Dallas, Texas. Keri shares that her “nerdy passions include color-coding Excel spreadsheets full of FOIA data and rifling through library archive collections to unearth historical gems.” She gravitates toward stories on education, religion, local politics, urban design and history. Her two favorite compliments are: "I cannot stop thinking about that story!" and "I read the whole thing and I still have no idea what you think." You can find out more about Keri and see her portfolio at Muck Rack.

Don’t forget - if you change your job in journalism or move to a different news organization, be sure to email us (hello [at] muckrack [dot] com) so we can reflect your new title. News job changes only, please! Thanks!

Today's Muck Rack Daily was produced by Marla Lepore.

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