Hacker Newsletter #482


Issue #482 // December 06, 2019 // View in your browser


In lieu of a sponsor this week, please consider donating to one of the many great non-profits like Girls Who Code and hit reply to let me know.

Sundar will be the CEO of both Google and Alphabet
//blog comments

ISOC sold the .org registry to Ethos Capital for $1.1B
//keypointsabout comments


Fibery – yet another collaboration tool
//fibery comments

A comment on Hacker News led to 4½ new Unicode characters
//unicodepowersymbol comments

The Plain Text Project
//plaintextproject comments

Help me ask why you didn't just
//plover comments

Adventures in Netflix
//ingebrigtsen comments

Big Pile of Vim-Like
//reversed comments

Nbdev: Use Notebooks for Everything
//fast comments

#Ask HN

Burning Out

What should be taught in high school?

#Show HN

Open-Source Home Automation //home-assistant comments

Advent of Code 2019 //adventofcode comments

I made an open-source anonymous email forwarding service //anonaddy comments

Webglstudio.js – A full open-source 3D graphics editor in the browser //github comments

Dot-to-ASCII – Graphviz to ASCII Converter //ggerganov comments


Django 3 //djangoproject comments

HTTPie – A user-friendly CLI HTTP client //github comments

Mal – Make a Lisp, implemented in 79 languages //github comments

Matestack: Rapidly create interactive UIs in Ruby //matestack comments


A JavaScript library for creating sketchy/hand-drawn style charts in the browser //github comments

How to analyse 100 GB of data on your laptop with Python //towardsdatascience comments

Dgsh – Directed Graph Shell //aueb comments

RAWGraphs: a missing link between spreadsheets and data visualization //rawgraphs comments

Get PostgreSQL Database Structure as a Detailed JavaScript Object //pg-structure comments


An Overview of Cryptography //garykessler comments

Siberia: 18,000-year-old frozen 'dog' stumps scientists //bbc comments

Polytope Model //wikipedia comments

Illusory Truth Effect //wikipedia comments

The Cornell Note-taking System //cornell comments


Ask HN: Best book / resources on leadership, especially for tech teams? //ycombinator

The first non-bullshit book about culture I've read //zwischenzugs comments

Arcade Game Typography //readonlymemory comments

Outside of a Dog: Rebuilding the NPR Book Concierge //npr comments


CMU 15-721: In-Memory Databases / Advanced Database Systems //youtube comments

Origami Levels of Complexity //youtube comments

The Classic Tetris World Championships Explained //youtube comments


We ran the numbers, and there really is a pipeline problem in engineering hiring //interviewing comments

Ask HN: Who is hiring? //ycombinator

Ask HN: Who wants to be hired? //ycombinator

Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking Freelancer? //ycombinator


Off-Grid Cyberdeck the Raspberry Pi Recovery Kit //back7 comments

We used 890M chess games to make an interactive opening graph //chessroots comments

Parrot.vc – I forced a bot to read 65,000 VC tweets and it became a VC //parrot comments

List of Fictional Microsoft Companies //wikipedia comments

Airmash – a game that refused to die //janwillemboer comments

Software Manager, the Game //thesoftwaremanager comments

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