Best Essay Writing Services

Table of contents

  1. Why Use Essay Writing Services?
  2. Where to Find the Best Essays
  3. What Will These Writing Services Offer You?
  4. How to Choose the Best Writing Service for You
  5. FAQs
What is the best essay writing service available online? Of course, that question is completely subjective – what works perfectly for one student may not suit another quite so well.
However, some things are important, regardless of your individual needs – things such as plagiarism free writing, knowledgeable, top writers and a trustworthy, reliable company.
My picks for the top three legit essay writing services include those features and more. But which one is the right one for you? Read my essay writing service reviews and my guide to choosing the best service for everything you need to know about how to choose the best writing companies.

Why Use Essay Writing Services?

A college, university or high school student may choose to use an essay writing service for many reasons:
  • It could be that they just don’t have the time needed to complete an assignment for their master’s degree alongside studying for an exam.
  • It could be that they know their teacher likes a certain citation system, for example, APA and they aren’t proficient in it.
  • They might not be able to write fast enough to hit a deadline that they’ve put off.
  • They might need to keep up a good grade average to ensure they get into the school of their choice.
  • They could have realized their deadline is today and they have no way of doing the assignment in a way that would guarantee they would graduate with honors.
  • They might need an outstanding piece of writing to get a scholarship for their senior year.
Of course, this list is not exhaustive, these are just some examples of the most popular reasons students turn to writing services. Any reason anyone used a writing service for is a valid reason. In short, the service exists, so if you want to use it to get a top essay, that’s reason enough.

Where to Find the Best Essays

After carrying out hundreds of essay writing service reviews I’ve seen everything from essay writing service scams through to the best research paper writing service. And I want to share that knowledge with you.

How to Choose the Best Writing Service for You

There are several factors to consider here:

Which country are you studying in?

Make sure you choose a service that mentions your country specifically, as the curriculums and marking systems can differ greatly from country to country. Even the best custom writing isn’t going to get you top marks if it’s written in a style unsuitable for your curriculum.

Your budget

Try to find a site that offers good deals and offers rather than rock-bottom prices. If the prices are well below the industry standard, it stands to reason that you won’t receive the best writing help.

The writers

A good essay reviewer will always check the hiring process of the site checks writers’ credentials and tests their writing skills – and you should too. It’s essential that the service you choose knows for sure they are only hiring the best essay writers. This means that they’re academically qualified, able to write a well-structured essay and know how to research from reputable sources.

Check the Writing Samples Available

Always make sure you check out the review my essay section of any writing service website you are considering using. Any reputable writing service will have no issue with displaying example essays from their writers which should be easy and free to access. If these aren’t present, then you should consider an alternate service.
Also, check the quality of the sample essay:
  • Is it written in correct English? Many cheaper sites use writers who aren’t native English speakers and it shows in badly worded essays with bad grammar and poor phrasing.
  • Is the essay well researched?
  • Is it researched from reputable sources and are the citations correct?
  • Do the facts check out?
  • Is the essay suitably sophisticated for the academic level its written at?

Check Customer Testimonials Both On and Off the Site

The first place to check is the review section of the actual site. Are the reviews good on the whole?
If you find that every review is a five-star review, this can raise alarm bells as the reviews could be fake (this isn’t always the case, but I have found that it can be). If you are suspicious of the reviews, use a search engine such as Google and search for off-site reviews which are more impartial.


If this is your first time thinking of using a writing service, you are sure to have questions. Here are some of the things I get asked the most:

How Do I Know if A Site is Legit?

Check out my guide (above) to choosing the right site for you including tips to make sure the site is legit.

How do Your Reviews Work?

I check every aspect of the sites I review including writing samples, the hiring process of the writers and customer feedback both on and off the site. From this, I determine whether or not the service is reliable and well put together. I then check pricing and the support systems to ensure I only recommend good services.

You Recommended a Site and I’m Not Sure About It. What Should I Do?

I make every effort to ensure our reviews are accurate and I am confident I would never recommend a site that is scamming customers. Having said that, if you don’t feel completely comfortable with anything on a site, then I would advise you to find a site that you feel more comfortable with. As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, choosing a writing service is subjective and your dream writing won’t always be the same as someone else’s.

Where Do You Find Writing Services?

I constantly check search engines and industry newsletters to find any new writing sites that have started. I also follow up on any customer recommendations or requests to review sites I haven’t discovered yet.

Is Using a Writing Service Cheating?

No, although your professors might disagree if you hand it in as your own work. Using a writing service is the ideal way to get a well-written essay to use as a guideline to ensure the essays you write are hitting all of the key points and are at the relevant depth required for your academic grade. Having said that, many students do hand in the essays as their own and if you use a good service, the paper won’t be plagiarised and therefore, your professor won’t know it’s not your own work.

Is Using a Writing Service Legal?

Yes. You are basically employing a writer to write something on your behalf which is completely legal.


I hope my guide to the best writing services has helped you to know what a good writing service can offer and how to decide on the best writing service for you. Once you find a service you like, don’t forget to check my review of it.

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