Hacker Newsletter #481


Issue #481 // November 29, 2019 // View in your browser

For those that celebrate it, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I'm thankful for each and everyone of you who find the time to open this email each week. kale


Tesla Cybertruck
//tesla comments

The Bus Ticket Theory of Genius
//paulgraham comments

//drewdevault comments

Local-first software: you own your data, in spite of the cloud
//acolyer comments

How does a video codec work?
//github comments

Things I've learned in 20 years of programming
//daedtech comments

What skills are most crucial for running small internet companies?
//indiehackers comments

A 70-year-old's secret to a full and happy life
//keyvalues comments

The 40% Keyboard
//tbf-rnd comments

#Ask HN

Quitting Big Tech, what is it like?

Best Static Site Builder?

What are you thankful for?

#Show HN

Sweet Home 3D is a free interior design application //sweethome3d comments

Coscreen.co – a radically different remote collaboration tool //coscreen comments

Eternal Terminal //eternalterminal comments

patchbay.pub – Poor man's ngrok/IFTTT/serverless //patchbay comments

BorgBackup: Deduplicating Archiver //borgbackup comments

Postwoman – a free alternative to Postman //github comments

Diagram.codes //diagram comments

Hide Likes Everywhere //hidelikeseverywhere comments


Firefox Replay //mozilla comments

Simple-twitter: A bare-bones Twitter clone implemented in a single file //github comments

Microsoft REST API Guidelines //github comments

PHP 7.4 //php comments

Algebraic Data Types: Things I wish someone had explained about FP //jrsinclair comments

Command Line Applications in Rust //github comments

Build a WhatsApp Chatbot with Python, Flask and Twilio //twilio comments

Vesper – HTTP Framework for Unix Shell //github comments


An introduction to data processing on the Linux command line //robertelder comments

Deep Learning with PyTorch //pytorch comments

Mastering Atari, Go, Chess and Shogi by Planning with a Learned Model //arxiv comments

Pgloader – migrate your data from any SQL database into PostgreSQL //github comments


Designing Windows 95's User Interface //socket3 comments

Nerd Fonts //nerdfonts comments

Astrophotography with Night Sight on Pixel Phones //googleblog comments

Scaling SVG Elements //wattenberger comments


Interactive Linear Algebra //gatech comments

Collection of Jupyter notebooks for quantitative finance //github comments

Yahoo Pipes //wikipedia comments

Max Headroom broadcast signal intrusion //wikipedia comments

Phoebus Cartel //wikipedia comments

X17 Particle //wikipedia comments

Learn Coq in Y Minutes //learnxinyminutes comments

Smith Chart //wikipedia comments


Our Startup Handbook //versionone comments

'The Color of Surveillance: Monitoring of Poor and Working People' Reading List //google comments

AI Weirdness: How to Begin a Novel //aiweirdness comments


Everything I know about Kubernetes I learned from a cluster of Raspberry Pis //jeffgeerling comments

Sacha Baron Cohen's Thoughts on Social Media and Tech Company Responsibilities //youtube comments

Deepfakes: MIT brings Nixon's Apollo disaster speech to life //wbur comments

A Thermomechanical Material Point Method for Baking and Cooking //youtube comments

Half Life: Alyx Announcement Trailer //youtube comments


Job loss predictions over rising minimum wages haven't come true //axios comments

Today's Top Tech Skills //hiringlab comments


The Real Class War //americanaffairsjournal comments

Cryptoqueen: A woman scammed the world, then vanished //bbc comments

Ohio Submarines Were Designed to Be Drone-Carrying Clandestine Command Centers //thedrive comments


Recreation.gov //recreation comments

Molten Bismuth Shader //shadertoy comments

GNU Radio first steps: a FM receiver //abclinuxu comments

Playball: Watch MLB games from the comfort of your own terminal //github comments

Have I Been Pwned donations page is awesome //haveibeenpwned comments

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